31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus tells the people to listen to what the scribes and the Pharisees are telling them, but not to imitate them!
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Today we are reading about the greatest commandment, to love God and to love others as we love ourselves.
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Today we are going to see how some people want to trick Jesus. Yet, Jesus notices this at once.
READ MORE29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells them that the Kingdom of God is about service not rewards.
READ MORE28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today's parable is about a king who wanted to have a big feast for his son’s wedding.
READ MORE27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s parable is about a vineyard owner who could not continue to take care of his field.
READ MORE26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s parable is about a father who had some vineyards and asks his sons to help him.
READ MORE25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s parable is about a man who had a field and needed people to go and help him.
READ MORE24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today, Jesus is going to speak about forgiveness. When we are sorry, God always forgives us.
READ MORE23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today Jesus will teach us that if we love our friends, we should help them whenever they do something wrong.