The rock

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer for the Pope

In today’s story we hear that Jesus  decided to give a particular nickname  to one of his friends.  This nickname was so good that we sometimes forget that Peter was actually named Simon.

Peter means rock.  Jesus wanted Peter to be strong and trust in Him even when he fails.  Jesus wanted Simon Peter  to set an example in caring for, uniting and guiding all who choose to love and follow Jesus.

The prayer space we are going to do today is called The Rock – and  to do it  we need:

  • Few pebbles
  • Some markers

Have you ever tried to build a tower with some pebbles that maybe you found on the beach?  If the bottom pebble is not as firm as a rock, everything will fall apart.  

In our lives we meet people who are like solid rocks because they help us build a strong foundation for our relationship with God, with each other and with the rest of creation.  These can be the Pope, the Bishops and other people we meet in our lives; such as parents, those who take care of us, teachers, catechists and good friends.

Take some time to think about these people.

5 second  pause

Write down  onto the pebbles, the names of Simon Peter and the names of the people whom you thought of because they lead you and others closer to God.   

Now you can close your eyes and thank God for these people who  have been like rocks in your life.  

Finally, you can put this pebble somewhere it reminds you to thank God more often for those who bring you closer to Him.

A prayer for the Pope, adapted from a prayer written by St George Preca

Dear Lord,
you take care of us.
Today we ask you to take special care
of Pope Francis,
whom you have chosen as the leader of your Church.
Encourage him and give him strength.

We ask you to help us
to be always willing to hear what he has to teach us
and to obey him.

We also pray for those
who are not yet members of your Church,
so that they too will join us.
We ask this with the help of Jesus.


How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.