20th February
Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto succeeded to achieve heroic virtues in their simple life by a young age.
READ MORE14 February
Cyril and Methodius saw the importance of celebrating the liturgy in the people’s own language.
READ MORE10th February
We celebrate the event of Saint Paul’s Shipwreck, which marks the beginning of the Christian Faith to the Maltese.
READ MORE5th February
Saint Agatha gave her love to God, making a vow of virginity. She spent her life in prayer and helping others.
READ MORE31st January
Saint John Bosco's mission was helping the adolescents. He made sure to see everyone happy!
READ MORE26 January
Saints Timothy and Titu both adorned with apostolic virtues.
READ MORE24th January
St. Francis de Sale known as “The Gentleman Saint” and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church.
READ MORE22nd January
Saint Publius was the first Bishop of Malta. He kept the Faith alive, even in hard circumstances.
READ MORE21 January
Saint Agnes is known as a martyr of purity. She had dedicated her life to Christ.