Putting out fire

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer to overcome anger

Hello Kids!

Have you ever watched a movie and there was a scene of someplace catching fire, or, have you seen a similar scene in reality? Have you noticed how quickly the fire spreads? Then the firefighters come in a hurry with the fire truck and hurriedly start to extinguish the fire. And when it has spread well, they struggle to put out all the fire, even if they feel tried.  The firefighters are satisfied if their mission is accomplished.

Sometimes in our life, we go through circumstances where we feel a little confused and angry. It is important that at such moments we seek help in calming the fire that is burning in us, namely to talk about this situation with someone who can help us to prevent the fire from spreading, meaning to calm down the anger. Today’s Prayer Space is called: Putting Out Fire

One needs:

• a match

• a disused pot or any other object in which a small fire can be ignited

• a paper 

• a pen, a pencil or colours

• water

• if this is not possible you can also search for and watch a video of a location burning.

Find a quiet space and think of a situation you’ve been through in your life where you felt like the fire burning, you were angry. Write or draw this situation on paper. Crush the paper and toss it into the pot or the other object you are using. Connect a match and burn it. (It is important that there is an adult present with you). Then toss the water to extinguish the fire. Ask God to help you so that in such moments in life, like the firefighters you do your best to put out the fire that is spreading, that is to calm down the anger.

Bye bye, kids! Till we meet again.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.