Forty days, after rising from the dead, Jesus returns to the Father. Again, we meet this number, forty. It was mentioned at the beginning of Lent, when Jesus goes to the desert and stays there for forty days, praying. Moses spent forty days on the mountain. The People of Israel spent forty years in the desert and before that Moses, spent forty years living in Egypt. We encounter the number forty, on various occasions in Scripture. It is used to show a transition from one time to another. When mentioned it also refers to a significant or extraordinary happening.
During these forty days, Jesus continues to meet the apostles. He continued to prepare them for the work which they were to do. When Jesus ascended into heaven, a new ministry for the disciples began. They were to continue in Jesus’ footsteps. Jesus knew that what he was asking of the disciples, was not easy. Therefore, he promised them the strength of the Holy Spirit. Similarly, he does not leave us on our own, either. We are all called to bring Jesus to others. As parents, it is our responsibility to bring Jesus to our children. As in the case of the disciples, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength and wisdom to carry out this duty. Jesus did not ascend to heaven and left us like orphans. He wanted the disciples, and us, to help others repent. He wants us to be his witnesses. It is not an easy mission; we cannot do anything on our own. This is why we need the strength of the Holy Spirit, so that we may overcome our shortcomings, our fears and distractions. When we accept and understand that Jesus is with us and that the Holy Spirit gives us what we need to fulfil our calling, then, like the disciples, ‘with great joy, we can continually praise God.’