Today is the feast day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or as we Maltese also refer to it Our Lady of Victories, or ‘il-Bambina’. This day is a solemnity for us, due to what happened in Malta on the 8th of September, Pope Francis had declared this day as a solemnity for our diocese, that means that we celebrate it even if it falls on a Sunday.
Today, we do not only commemorate the birth of Our Lady, but we also remember the end of the Great Siege in 1565, and later in 1943, the end of the Second World War.
The nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is not recorded in any of the Gospels, neither is there any reference about her upbringing. What we know is from writings known as Apocrypha (these are religious writings which do not form part of Scripture, that is the Church does not consider them to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, like the other books we find in the Bible). However, we do know that Mary’s birth was part of God’s plan of salvation, and it happened to fulfil what had been written, “the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel.” (Is 7, 14) According to tradition, her parents were Anne and Joachim. She was born in Nazareth and her parents instilled in her a love for God and great faith in him. We have proof of this in her answer to Angel Gabriel, when he asked her to be the Mother of God.
Her strong and steadfast faith allowed her to accept God’s plan for her. Her ‘yes’ had such a great impact, that we still feel its effect even today.
Today’s Gospel is from the beginning of Matthew’s Gospel, and it gives a long list of names, it starts from Abraham right up to Jesus. His is the genealogy of Jesus. It could be that somewhere along the way, we lose track of all these names, however it would be well to go over them and know who they are. It is a long list, which includes both men and women. It includes people who led good lives and others who made very bad choices. It shows us that God does not only use those who walk the right way, but God choses everyone, he also choses people who like us, are not perfect. This is a list of people like us, it shows us that God always kept his promise to be with his people.
In this passage, we hear about the birth of Jesus. We know that Mary was with child before going to live with Joseph. Joseph was a just and righteous man. If he was to obey the law, he could have had Mary stoned to death. But he was a God-fearing man, and he trusted in God, and so he believed the message given to him to take Mary as his wife and to accept the child as the promised Messiah.
We are all born of a mother, and we are ourselves parents. If we were to look back, we realise that who we are today, is greatly influenced by our upbringing. Mary was the one to bring up Jesus. We also know that she continued to be with him, even during his public life and remained with him, even when he was on the cross. Mary and Joseph, both fulfilled their mission, they were good parents for Jesus, and they always remained faithful to God. And God was always with them. God has entrusted us with our children. How are we fulfilling this mission? How are we influencing our children? Are we behaving as Christian parents should? Like Mary and Joseph, we are to trust God and do as he asks. And God will be with us, he will guide us and provide for our needs.
Coming soon.