Many did not accept Jesus’ teachings. There were those, who not only did not accept his teachings, but they also believed that Jesus was mentally insane. Amongst these, there were also some of his relatives. There were some who accused Jesus that he was acting in the name of Satan. However, Jesus made this reasoning false, because as he said, who would free people possessed by the devil, if he was working with the devil!
At the end of the Gospel, Jesus’ relatives are mentioned again, including his mother, Mary. We need to understand, that at no time did Jesus want to disrespect his mother, and his relatives. He wanted to show instead, that God loves everyone, the same. We are all part of God’s family and God makes no preference. The Gospel refers to Jesus’ siblings, however one should remember that the culture of the time, referred to relatives, as brothers and sisters. Jesus wants to emphasise that all those who acknowledge God as Father, are brothers and sisters.
Jesus also refers to the forgiveness of sin. We believe that all sin may be forgiven, if we repent. However, Jesus refers to a sin which cannot be forgiven. What is Jesus implying? The sin that Jesus is referring to, “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin,” is when we renounce God, we turn against him, and we renounce all God’s teachings. In this case we are totally breaking our relationship with God. We do not want to have anything to do with him. How can God, in these circumstances, forgive us? If I am not turning to him, if I am not repenting from my sin, how can God forgive me? It is the Holy Spirit who helps us understand what God is telling us; it is the Holy Spirit who helps us, who gives us courage and knowledge to do what is right and choose what is good. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to make good choices and become more like Jesus. This is the reason why Jesus describes this as a sin against the Holy Spirit.
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