19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today's Gospel we'll understand that Jesus gave his life so that we may have eternal life.
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In today's Gospel the crowd ask Jesus for another sign as they were still not fully satisfied.
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In today's Gospel Jesus performed a miracle where many people had enough to eat out of five loaves and two fish.
READ MORE16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today's Gospel Jesus feels really tired, but instead of resting he shares his teachings to the people.
READ MORE15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the Gospel today we are going to hear how Jesus sent his disciples out in two’s to spread his word.
READ MORE14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We will see that the people of Nazareth didn't welcome Jesus, he did things they did not understand.
READ MORE12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today's gospel is about a miracle when Jesus calms a big storm.
READ MORE11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today's parable of the seed helps in understanding the Kingdom of God and our own faith journey.
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We are going to hear about some of Jesus’ relatives who were displeased about the way Jesus was behaving.