22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tell us that it will not always be easy for us to follow him and to obey God’s will in our lives.
READ MORE21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today, Jesus is going to ask his friends a very important question. He is going to ask us the same question too.
READ MORE20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel we will meet with a woman, whom you will surely understand!
READ MORE19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel Jesus will speak to us about faith.
READ MOREThe Transfiguration of the Lord
In this week’s gospel Jesus reveals his divine identity to the disciples.
READ MORE17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel, Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a precious treasure.
READ MORE16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today, Jesus is going to tell us three parables! Do you remember what is a parable?
READ MORE15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus used to tell a lot of parables. Today we will be listening to one of Jesus’ parables about a sower.
READ MORE14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Do you remember the cross we spoke about last week? Jesus wants to give us the strength to carry our cross.
READ MORE13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Being Jesus’ disciples and being like him will mean that we should be prepared to face hard times.