The witness

Third Sunday of Advent Yr B

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent. We light the rose candle of the advent wreath. We call this Gaudete Sunday, today we rejoice! It may be difficult to find joy in the circumstances which we are living in. Nonetheless, today’s Gospel gives us a message of joy and hope. In today’s liturgy, the word rejoice is repeated several times. We are joyful because Christmas is near. We rejoice because we celebrate Emmanuel, we celebrate the fact that God is with us, he walks with us even in difficult and uncertain times. He accompanies us in sickness and difficulties. We rejoice, because not withstanding all, God became man, God loves us, Jesus is the one to chase away the darkest moments of our lives, and he fills us instead with hope, joy, and peace. We rejoice because Jesus saved us.

Today’s Gospel speaks of light. Jesus is our light, this is the symbol used in the advent wreath. The closer we get to Christmas, more candles are lit, more light decorations are put up in the streets, in our homes, shops and work places. There is more light everywhere! The closer we are to Jesus, the clearer we will see what is expected of us, we no longer walk in a darkened road, it is lit up by the light of Jesus.

We will meet again John the Baptist, in today’s Gospel. He is being asked to identify himself. John could have answered that he was Elijah, or one of the prophets, or even the Messiah! He could have taken the honour of being one of these. Sometimes, we fall into this trap of taking the credit for things that we did not do. The world acclaims those who are successful, those who become famous. The world however, does not always consider how success was achieved. God is different. For God we are all important and special. There are numerous occasions when God showed us that those who were considered insignificant to others, were in fact important to him. Even by just remembering the nativity, we already find an example there. The angels first went to give the Good News to the shepherds, a group of people who had no pretentions, who were even scorned by others. David was also a shepherd, but he allowed himself to be led by God, and he became king. David did several mistakes, but he knew what was most important. His kingdom on earth was not the most important, not even the tributes he received from others; what was most important was the will of God. So, when he realised his transgressions, he repented and did what God asked him to do.

John did not look for honours, especially those which did not belong to him. Instead he allowed God to use him. This led Jesus to describe John as “of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist.” (Mt 11, 11)  

We sometimes hear the word discernment. It means that one chooses between one thing and another. It means that one studies well the situation presented to him and can say whether that choice is best for him, whether is it better than something else which is being presented. There is also spiritual discernment. This is when one chooses and takes decisions which are according to the will of God. In discernment, a person allows himself to be led by the Holy Spirit, he allows Jesus to light the way. It could be that apart from prayer, we may also need help from our confessor or spiritual director to arrive at the best decision. 

A reading from the Gospel of John (Jn 1, 6-8.19-28)

A man named John was sent from God. He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the light but came to testify to the light.

And this is the testimony of John. When the Jews from Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to him to ask him, “Who are you?” He admitted and did not deny it, but admitted, “I am not the Christ.” So they asked him, “What are you then? Are you Elijah?” And he said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.” So they said to him, “Who are you, so we can give an answer to those who sent us?
What do you have to say for yourself?” He said: “I am the voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘make straight the way of the Lord,’” as Isaiah the prophet said.”

Some Pharisees were also sent.  They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ or Elijah or the Prophet?” John answered them, “I baptize with water; but there is one among you whom you do not recognize, the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie.”

This happened in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing

The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

  1. Read the Gospel story so that you are familiar with it.
  2. Reflect on what the Gospel story is saying to you. Which points would you highlight and why?
  3. John was asked: “Who are you?” If someone asks you the same question, what will be your answer? Will your relationship with Jesus be part of the answer? Will you describe yourself as a Christian?
  4. Is Jesus the light which leads you?
  5. Together with your family find the right time to read this gospel. The environment helps, so before you start, prepare:
    i. The Bible reading from St John (1, 6-8.19-28)
    ii. The Advent Wreath, light two purple candles and the rose candle
    iii. Cover the table with purple cloth
    iv. A computer/laptop with the reading and clips
  6. Go through the steps with your children (2 age groups are being suggested)
  7. Feel free to adapt to your situation
  8. Be creative 😊
  9. Go to the Prayer Spaces section to continue praying as a family

We are now in the third week of Advent. Today, we light up the third candle of the advent wreath; the pink-coloured candle. If we switch off all the lights in a room, and light just one candle, we will have a little bit of light. If we light all three, we will have more light. Jesus is like these candles. When we are in the dark, Jesus will give us the light we need to see better. We are afraid sometimes when we are in the dark. However, when there is light, we are not afraid. The same happens when we are with Jesus. We are not afraid when we are with Jesus, because he loves us, he helps us, he never leaves us on our own. On Christmas day, we will light the four candles and another big white one which stands in the middle, to show that Jesus is our light and that he lights our way. In today’s Gospel, we will meet again John the Baptist. John tells us that Jesus is the light of the world.

Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
  • Jesus is our light
  • When we are in the dark, we might be afraid, but when there is light, we will feel better
  • When we are friends with Jesus, we are happy
  • Mobiles, candles, matches

We stay in a room which can be very dark when the lights are switched off and when the windows are closed.

How are you feeling in the dark?
If you need to get something from this room, will you manage to find it?

Someone switches the mobile on or lights up a candle.

Now that there is some light, do you feel better?
Is there a difference between a room which is in total darkness and another one which has some light?

Jesus is like this light. When we were in the dark, we could not see clearly. Now that there is some light, we can see better, the things which are in the room. Jesus is the light which shows us the way. Choosing the right way means that we have to make the right choices. It means that we do what pleases Jesus. 

If I fight with my brothers or sisters, will I be doing what Jesus wants me to do? Will I be happy when I fight?
If I play with my brothers or sisters, will I be doing what Jesus wants me to do? Will I be happy when I play with others?
If I help my parents with cooking, will I be doing what Jesus wants me to do? Will I be happy when I help my parents?
If for example, I am playing with my dog and while we are chasing each other, I hit one of the plants and I break it, how do I behave? Will I blame my dog when mummy asks me what happened? Will I be doing what Jesus wants me to do? Will I be happy when I lie?

When we do what Jesus wants us to do, we will be happy. When Jesus is our light, we are happy.

Everyone is given a mobile or candle. Put them on or light them up (be careful with candles and small children).

Is there more light now?
When we do what Jesus wants, it will be like we are placing more light around us. Together with Jesus, we can be light for others. We will be helping others to become friends with Jesus. 
What can we do to share the light of Jesus with others? (we help others, we are kind to others, we share, we are friends)

Sign of the cross.

Jesus, today we lit up the third candle of the advent wreath. Soon it will be Christmas! Help us dear Lord, so that when we see the Christmas lights, the advent wreath, the light on the Christmas tree, the lights in the streets, and at home, all these remind us that you are our true light. When we are in the light, we are not afraid. When we are with you, we are not afraid. Jesus, we want you to be the light which shows us the right way.

Together we listen to this song, we sing and do the actions to Light of the world.

In today’s Gospel, we will again meet with John the Baptist. God sent John the Baptist to prepare the people to meet Jesus. John, describes Jesus as the light of the world.

Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
  • Christmas lights remind us that Jesus is the light which shows us the way
  • Mirror
  • Mobile or flashlight

Soon it will be Christmas. Today, we lit up the third candle of the Advent Wreath. All around us, in our houses, in the streets, in shops, there are many decorations which light up in a beautiful way these different places. They create a nice atmosphere. However, we should not forget why we have all this emphasis on light during this special time. Today’s Gospel will tell us exactly why. Christmas is not only or mainly about all such decorations and gifts. The birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, is the central event which we celebrate in Christmas. John the Baptist tells us that Jesus Christ, is the light of the world. The darkness of the world has been enlightened through the advent of Jesus Christ. 

Just as light in the streets shows us the way, Jesus shows us how to live. He lights up the choices we must make. He lights the way, so that we do not take the wrong turning. The way that Jesus lights up, will lead us to him. When we are with Jesus, we will have joy and peace in our hearts. 

We should not keep the joy that Jesus gives us, to ourselves. Like John, we need to share it with others. Like John, we should not perform good actions so that we may boast in front of others or be seen by them and applauded for what we have done. We do not behave well because we will receive presents or rewards for what we have done. We act rightly because this is what Jesus wants us to. We do good because we love Jesus. We perform good actions because we are allowing Jesus to be the light which leads us.

One of the children holds a mirror. Someone else uses a flashlight (or the flashlight in the mobile) and throws light on the mirror. 

What is happening when light hits the mirror? (it is being reflected onto something or someone else)
What happens when you move the mirror? (the reflection moves from one thing to another)
What is the source of light? (the flashlight not the person holding the mirror)

The person holding the mirror is not the light. That person is using the mirror to reflect the light onto someone else. Today’s Gospel tells us that John was not the light. Jesus is the light. This is what we should do, we should be like John.

What can we do to be like John? How can we share the light of Jesus with others? (we help, we stay with someone who is unhappy, we pray, we forgive others, we ask for forgiveness, we share)

When we choose to do what is right, our friends will do the same. Who helps us make the right choices? (Jesus – reading the Bible, parents, catechists, teachers, friends)

Sign of the cross.

Jesus, you love us very much. You want us to do what is good for us. You want us to choose what you want us to, because you know, that this is how we will have joy and peace in our hearts. Jesus you want to be the one who lights our way. Give us the wisdom and the courage to walk in your light. 

We listen and sing, He is the light.

In today’s Gospel, there was reference to Baptism. In Baptism there are questions about our beliefs. These questions are repeated during the Easter Vigil and in a special way during Confirmation. Today, we will answer these questions and proclaim our faith. 

Do you reject Satan? I do.
And all his works? I do.
And all his empty promises? I do.
Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth? I do.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father? I do.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting? I do.
God, the all-powerful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit and forgiven all our sins. May he also keep us faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen.

1. In today's Gospel, we encounter John the Baptist who came to...

Correct! Wrong!

2. John was asked if he was one among the prophets. Who was the prophet they mentioned to him?

Correct! Wrong!

3. John told the Pharisees that the one who was sent by God, was greater than him, and was to visit God's people, was...

Correct! Wrong!

4. To whom was John referring when he spoke about the one who was to come?

Correct! Wrong!

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through the Sunday Scripture readings. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand the upcoming Sunday's Scripture readings, helping you to connect the Scripture to daily life in a meaningful way.