Chosen and cherised

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer to thank God

Hi Kids!

Have you ever had the experience of being responsible for a task? Maybe to form part of a sports team, play an instrument during a talent night, or be a part of a group of friends. How did you feel when you got the message? Jesus also experienced this in his life. During his baptism, he was chosen to accomplish the special mission God the Father had entrusted him with. God was happy with Jesus here on earth, and he said to him: “You are my son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.”

This prayer space is called Chosen and Cherished.

One needs:

  • a paper, carton or thin cardboard sheet
  • pencil or pen
  • colours

On the paper/carton/cardboard, draw some stars. In every star write a moment/experience in your life where God showed you his love. If you would like to write/spare a small prayer to thank God for his everlasting presence.

Bye bye children! Till we meet again.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.