Day 11

Day 11

Today we are placing: the gifts

Think about it:

Whenever you go to visit someone who has just had a baby, you take a present with you. When the wise men, went to see Jesus, they too, took gifts with them. They gave him: gold, frankincense and myrrh. These were not the usual gifts we give to a baby! But this baby was special. This baby was Jesus. So, even the gifts were special. The wise men, gave Jesus these gifts, because of their meaning, they reflected who Jesus was. The gold showed that Jesus was a king, the frankincense, showed that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. The myrrh, showed how Jesus was to die to save all men.

Family time:

Although these wise men came from afar to search for Jesus, they did not give up. Discuss the obstacles you encounter, which keep you from getting to know Jesus better. These could be temptations not to go to mass, or not to pray, or for parents not to attend formation meetings, or children not to attend the parish meeting. What can help you overcome these obstacles?


Jesus, the wise men did not give up, they continued searching until they found you and gave you their gifts. We pray for courage so that we continue searching for you and that like the wise men, we may recognise you as our King and saviour.

Let’s do it!

You cannot give Jesus a gift, like the wise men did. However, when you love someone, you will be giving him a present just the same! Today, help someone, at home, or your grandparents, without being asked. When you help you show love.


Let’s sing: King seeker

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