It is the last Sunday in Advent, and the Gospel centres around two women. Because these two had great faith in God and allowed God to work in their lives, great things happened to them. We will listen to Mary’s visit to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth asks a question which we also may ask at times, although we mostly do so for a totally opposite reason! When something bad happens, we tend to ask: “How does this happen to me?” How many times have we turned to God in difficult times, and asked, “why me?” Elizabeth invites us to instead contemplate all that God has given us. Most of us are not popular or famous. Nonetheless, God has chosen us to do “great things.” If we had to continue reading the text from which today’s Gospel is taken, we would come to the Magnificat and see that this encounter is a conversation between two women who stand in awe for what God has done to them.
God is love. God became man. God became one of us, he was born as a baby, like you and me. He, who is God, was not born among the rich and famous. Instead, he was born from a young woman who lived in an insignificant village, she herself was unknown to many. However, it was she, who was chosen by God. God also chose her cousin, to become a mother, after she had lost hope of ever becoming one. Her son was later to grow up and prepare the people to welcome Jesus and his teachings.
Christmas is a time when we give and receive many gifts. The best one however, remains the reason, why we in fact celebrate Christmas. Through the birth of Jesus, we received the best gift, and we are invited to delve deeper and accept this gift every day. Jesus wants to come to us every day, he wants to meet us. Jesus wants us to open our life to him. Just as Mary said ‘yes’, Jesus wants and waits for our ‘yes’. Jesus invites us to have the same faith that Elizabeth had.