Dawn ir-riżorsi se jkunu preżentati bil-Malti fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.
05 – What is Original Sin?
We are all conceived with it, but how did it come about and how has God provided a way for us to be liberated from it? Viewers will learn what sin is and God’s plan of salvation.
Dawn ir-riżorsi se jkunu preżentati bil-Malti fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.
05 – The Creation and the Fall of Man
What is man? And God created man to his own image. (Genesis 2:7)
Dawn ir-riżorsi se jkunu preżentati bil-Malti fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.
05 – The Creation and the Fall of Man
What is man? And God created man to his own image. (Genesis 2:7)