Today’s Gospel, clearly shows us what God wishes and what he expects from us. God only wishes that which is good, he wants to give us a life full with all that is good. We will hear how Jesus heals a woman who had been sick for many years, and how he awakens from the dead a young girl. They are different episodes, however in both, Jesus emphasises the importance of faith.
What is faith? It is impossible to explain faith in a few words. Faith is not blind superstition. Faith comes from trust. To trust someone, first we need to know him. I will not trust someone with something important, based on hearsay. Similarly, to trust God, I first need to know him. We know rationally who God is (as far as our limited human reason can go). It is sufficient for us to reflect on the truths which we repeat every time we recite the Creed. Yet, knowing God personally is quite a different thing. This is the fundamental question which the Gospel is proposing to us today. Who is God for me?
Faith restored joy to Jairus and life to his daughter. Faith gave peace and health to the woman who had been suffering for many years. For both Jairus and the woman, faith helped them to move closer to Jesus. These miracles show us Jesus’ attitude, his feelings towards these people and hence, towards us too. Jairus and the woman were far from similar. Jairus was an official of the synagogue, he was known and held a certain position in society. Jairus loved his daughter, and it is this love which makes him fall on his knees in front of Jesus. Jesus gives him hope when he accepts to go to his house. On the contrary, the woman is an unknown, known only by those close to her. Her sickness made her an outcast. She was also poor. She believed that Jesus could heal her. Yet she may have lacked the courage to face him. Could it be that although she believed, at the same time, she was afraid that Jesus would shun her like the rest? Or else she might have felt that she was not worthy to ask Jesus to heal her. As soon as she touches his cloak she is healed! This is when things change. Jesus reveals her, he wants to know the woman who is hiding from everyone. Jesus stops to talk with her. One wonders what Jairus must have felt at that time! This woman had stopped Jesus, she was using precious time which was essential for his daughter. However, Jesus uses this change in plans to teach us, too.
The first thing, Jesus teaches us, is that no matter who we are and no matter our social status, we are important to him. Jesus makes no difference, he has time for us. We see the endearing way, Jesus addresses the woman. He calls her ‘daughter’. In so doing, he establishes a relationship. This is what Jesus desires, he wants to have a close relationship with us.
Then we learn that Jairus’ daughter had died. And Jesus says, “Do not be afraid.” It is said that ‘do not be afraid’ is the most repeated phrase in the Bible. Jesus wants to remove all fear, he wants us to believe that in him we find hope, peace and healing.
Faith is a choice we make, we choose to believe, even when things are difficult and unclear. Faith is to trust God in all circumstances, and to believe that God hears our prayers and that he replies in the best way, in the best time, even though this may be in conflict with the prayer made. A great saint once said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”