Hi kids!
Who would miss on a message from the Head of school especially when this message is echoing all around? Moreover, how can one miss the news especially if this will be a mega good news such as longer holidays or a longer break time!
Jesus asked his friends to share mega good news to everyone without any exception. The good news is that God loved us so much that he sent his only Son to save us through his passion, death and resurrection. What a news- victory over death and evil!
We are his friends too! Jesus is asking us to share this good news with everyone we meet.
The prayer space we are going to do today and with those who share our same household is called: – Mega News and to do it we need: –
Start by taking some time to think how you can share this Good News in all that you say and do for example when you forgive someone God is showing how merciful he is through you.
On a small paper write ‘Go and share the Good News’.
Stick the small paper onto the disposable cup and pinch on either side two holes underneath the note.
Pass the pipe-cleaner from one hole to the other to form a handle for your megaphone.
Spend some time asking God to give you the necessary courage to share His Good News in all you think, say, and do.
Finally place this megaphone in a prominent place to remind you to pass on God’s Good News of victory over death and all that is evil.
Bye Bye Friends till we meet again.