In today’s Gospel, we will meet again with someone who is sick. Leprosy is very contagious, and in those times, there was no cure for it. Whoever was sick with leprosy had to leave all that he owned, his family, his work, and friends, and go to leave outside the village. No one could go near. It was a devastating illness, and it was also very painful. Presently we are passing through a time, which makes this reading more understandable. The COVID 19 pandemic is creating loneliness, people living alone, people dying on their own, we long for physical closeness of family and friends and it seems that hugs have become things of the past. We can imagine how this man felt, when Jesus not only approached him but also stopped to talk to him and to touch him.
Jesus heals this man and he sends him to show himself to the priest as the law of Moses prescribed. Jesus asks him to tell no one about the healing. Yet, this man is so astounded and happy with what Jesus did that he could not keep this to himself and so he told everyone he met about what had happened.
We learn several things about life and the Christian attitudes from this reading. First and foremost, we cannot just be nominal Christians. We need to act. Jesus’ reply, “I do” shows that we too must make a choice. If we decide to follow Jesus, our life must reflect this choice. Like Jesus we need to show mercy, we need to choose what is right, even if this is not easy. We must do God’s will, even when we do not understand it. At face value, there was nothing wrong with the man telling everyone about his healing, even though it went against Jesus’ wish. But due to this, Jesus had to stay away from the cities, where he had planned to go and teach.
Jesus shows us that to pity someone, is not enough. We are expected to act upon it. We cannot remain passive when confronted by the needs and pain of others. It is distressing to look at someone with leprosy. But Jesus does not turn away, instead, he also goes near him. Jesus is so close that he touches him, he talks to him and he heals him. This is what we are expected to do, with those whom we can help.
There is also another side to this Gospel. Sin is a spiritual sickness. We all have this sickness. However, Jesus shows us, that whatever we have done, no matter how grave, he is ready to come close to us, he will not mind touching us. Yet like the leper, we have to make the first move. In faith, we need to turn to Jesus and say, “If you wish, you can make me clean.”