Her name was Mary. We call her ‘Magdalene’ because she came from a town called ‘Magdala’. She was one of Jesus’ closest friends. How did this friendship start? She was sick and Jesus healed her. Mary’s life was changed forever after her healing. She wanted to know Jesus and be close to him. And that is what she did!
Jesus called the twleve apostles to follow him and help him in his mission. Jesus did not call Mary, but she followed him out of her own free will. She also helped him with his needs, and at the same same time listened to what he was saying and tried to practice what he preached.
During Jesus’ most difficult moment, his passion, the apostles were so afraid of being hurt that they ran away. Not Mary! She stayed with Jesus until his last moment. When he died on the cross, she was there with the Virgin Mary. When Jesus rose from death, he appeared to Mary Magdalene first and asked her to tell the apostles that he was alive!
Mary followed Jesus even though he did not ask her to, and she stayed with him until the very end. From all the apostles and disciples, Mary Magdalene was the one who behaved as his best friend: she stayed with him and was overjoyed to tell the world that He is Risen! Let us all be like Mary Magdalene: let’s be close to Jesus and practice what he preached.
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