Beneath the Cross there was a small group of women. But these women were not only with Jesus beneath the Cross. They were close to him throughout the whole of his passion. Whilst many of his disciples feared for their own life and fled away, these courageous women stayed as close as possible to Jesus. They were not screaming, neither were they fighting with the soldiers trying to free away Jesus. They simply stayed close to Jesus as he carried the Cross and suffered great pain. Their presence was their gift to Jesus.
But they did not only stay close to Jesus during his passion. They had been with Jesus for quite a long time and therefore they had known Jesus and followed him for quite a while. They had experienced Jesus’ love for them and now they wanted to love him back by staying with him till the very end. They wanted to show him that they love him by staying by his side and suffering with him. They suffered a lot with Jesus because when we see someone whom we love suffering, we suffer with them. I think they wanted to teach us that even though sometimes we may seem helpless in front of the suffering of others, in actual fact we can do a lot by staying close to them and by suffering with them in silence. Like these women, we are also called to share God’s love for us with others, especially to those who are suffering.