Day 14

Day 14

Today’s personage is: the angel

Think about it:

Angels are messengers from God. Angles are mentioned several times in the episodes retelling the nativity of Jesus. Angel Gabriel announced that Mary was to become the mother of God. An angel spoke to Joseph in a dream and told him that Mary was to become the mother of Jesus and in another dream, told him to escape to Egypt. Angels, also announced the birth of Jesus, to the shepherds.

Family time:

Read these passages from the Bible: Luke 1, 26-38 (the annunciation), Luke 2, 8-16 (the shepherds and the angels), Matthew 1, 18-24 and Matthew 2, 13-15 (Joseph’s dreams)


You too have an angel who cares for you. Before going to sleep and when you wake up, make it a habit to say the Guardian Angel prayer.

Let’s do it!

Be an angel today and give your parents, your siblings, your grandparents and your friends, the good news, that Jesus loves them.


Sing the song: Angels we have heard on high

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