Easter Triduum Preparation

Special activities for the family

The Easter Triduum consists of the most important of days celebrated throughout the whole liturgical year of the Church. The word Triduum is a Latin word, meaning “three days”. The Triduum starts on the evening of Maundy Thursday, it continues on Good Friday, it reaches its climax on Saturday evening, with the Easter Vigil and ends with the last liturgical prayer recited on Easter Sunday. During these important days, we do not only renew the memory of the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection. Through the sacraments and the liturgy celebrated, Christ himself enables us to partake with him and pass through death so that we may gain new life with Him. Unfortunately, this year, we do not have the possibility to celebrate the Triduum with our community gathered in our dear places of worship. Nonetheless, as families, we should try to find some quality time to pray together. Hereunder, you should find some practical instructions that will help you plan some activities for your children. We are making these instructions available now, so that one may find ample time to plan the activities ahead. 

You will need:

  • Laptop
  • A table or surface where to put the open Bible
  • Candle
  • Cloth for underneath the Bible
    White: Holy Thursday and Easter
    Red: Good Friday
  • A Crucifix

For Holy Thursday:

  • Basin
  • Jug with warm water
  • Towel
  • Photos of a special meal/meals you had together as a family
  • Purple cloth
  • You may serve lamb for dinner, to commemorate the Jewish meal (when the Jews were freed from Egypt) and Jesus’ Passover meal

For Good Friday:

  • A cross
  • Vinegar
  • Thorns
  • Nails
  • A doll
  • A box to fit the doll, this box can be decorated so as to resemble a tomb
  • Toilet paper or a white sash of cloth
  • Seeds or flower bulbs
  • Soil/compost
  • Pot
  • 14 tealight candles
  • A white candle

Easter Vigil

  • The children prepare the Paschal Candle (template attached)
  • White material
  • Holy water
  • Food for after the Easter vigil celebration
  • Candles for all those present
  • Matches
  • Bells and/or mobiles


At least 12 Easter eggs, these may be bought or home made 

There is an ancient tradition, that spring cleaning is done during Holy Week. This stems from a Jewish ritual which established that all the house is to be thoroughly cleaned before Passover. This is the chance for parents to get the children to clean their rooms! Let them know about this tradition first.