Everlasting Taste

Prayer Spaces at Home and A prayer for our neighbour

The Beatitudes are an open invitation to true happiness.  All the Saints are  a living  proof  that  everyone can experience true happiness  notwithstanding the challenges life throws at us.   What the world sees as tragic or empty, Jesus sees as blessed: humility, mourning, gentleness, peacefulness and other virtues.

‘Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.’  We might have known people who were  meek, who showed us respect by being warm, thoughtful and  kind hearted.  They might have shared with us, kind words of wisdom, encouragement and mercy.

On All Saints Day we are grateful for the lives of so many people of every age whose actions and words   reflected their  pure and  kind heart.  We thank God for through them we could savour a sweet taste in life especially during challenging times.  

The prayer space we are going to do today is called Everlasting Taste– and  to do it  we need:

  • A  sweet template
  • Popsicle
  • Biro jew markers

Take some time to think about a kind-hearted person who left a sweet taste in your life.


Close your eyes and thank God for this person and for the sweet taste  he/she left in your life.  You can also ask him to help you show respect to others by being kind in all you think, say and do.  

On the sweet template draw or write a kind message.  Stick your sweet template to the popsicle and place it  anywhere so that it may leave a sweet taste to all who see it.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.