Glue this page onto a piece of jablo (polystyrene)
Print the four pictures onto cardboard paper or glue the pictures on cardboard paper. Cut along the edges
Glue a kebab stick on the back of each picture. Leave enough of the kebab stick end showing, to be able to stick in the jablo
Put away the pictures of Jesus on the cross, the burial and resurrection
Start from Ash Wednesday. With the point of the kebab stick make a hole in the first circle (Ash Wednesday) and stick the picture of Jesus carrying the cross, leave this picture there for the whole day of Ash Wednesday. The following day make a hole in the next circle and move Jesus to the second circle. Continue repeating this until Good Friday. For Good Friday, use the picture of Jesus on the cross. On Holy Saturday, use the picture of the burial and on Sunday use the picture of the Risen Christ.