Need or want

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer to know others better

Do you ever been go through your things and realise how much extra stuff we own? But then, when watching the TV, do you ever come across an advert or documentary where people barely have a roof over their heads? In the Gospel, Jesus praises the old lady who in the temple donated a few cents. She did not donate much, but it was all she had. Others who ridiculed her gave much more, but this was from their extra money. 

  • Think of those children who do not have a place to sleep in and of the old woman from the Gospel who donated all she had. 
  • Think of your possessions and list them down.
  • Look at the list and mark which are the ones you really need and which you possess because you simply wanted them and you can do without them. 
  • Take an item or 2 of your wants and donate them to an institution that helps those people who lack the essential things to live. 
  • Pray for all those in need and pray to understand our needs from our wants.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.