Hello kids!
Looking forward for Christmas time? Do you enjoy unpacking the decorations and tranforming the home for Christmas?
This week we give start to the Advent season, a time of preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Messiah.
During these four weeks in Church, we will see a wreath of four coloured candles: three purple, one pink, and a white candle in the middle.
Every week we light on a candle, until Christmas day when we light the white one, which represents the light Jesus brought to the world on His birth.
The three purple candles represent hope, love, and peace, while the pink represents joy. The wreathe represents also hope and everlasting life
Today’s Prayer Space is called Ready for Advent?
For this we need a round paper plate, green leaves fresh or plastic, three purple candles, a pink candle, a white candle, and something to hold the candles steady like plant oasis, small jars with sand or candle holders.
Distribute the four coloured candles around the plate, and the white one in the middle. Decorate the plate with leaves and flowers if you like.
After some quiet time even with your family if possible, light up the first purple candle. This candle represents hope. Pray that everyone strengthen his hope in God always. Hope helps us to get closer to God and more in peace with ourselves and with others.
Let’s Sing Together
Bye bye Kids! Until we meet again!