Saint Agnes

21 January

What we know about most of the saints and martyrs of the early Church, regarding their life and background, is based on tradition, so the information about them tends to be varied.

In fact what we know about St.Agnes, stems from inscriptions at the place of her burial, the location where she was martyred and buried.

In Greek the name ‘Agnes’ means ‘chaste’ and in Latin it means ‘lamb’. It is believed that she was martyred in 304 AD and that she was only 12 or 13 years old at the time so that marks her birth date around 291 AD.

She was born to Christian parents of noble lineage in the Roman Empire when the Emperor Diocletan persecuted Christians, with the intention of the eradication of Christianity. In fact, in 303 AD, together with his co-ruler Galerius he decreed that all Christian places of worship and books be destroyed, while Christians, especially priests, were put in prison, tortured and martyred when they refused to denounce their Christian belief to give homage to the Emperor.

It is believed that one day, Procopius, the son of a Roman prefect, saw Agnes as she was on her way home, he was taken up by her beauty. He fell in love with her and offered to marry her. To win her, he brought her gifts and promised her his family riches. She refused him, stating that Christ was her only spouse. 

When the father of Procopius found out that she was a Christian he arrested her and put her on trial. She refused to comply with the proposals of the Emperor  and to renounce her Christian beliefs. When she was tortured, by being subjected to humiliations in an effort to attack her purity, tradition holds that she was protected by divine intervention. 

Eventually she was sentenced to death by being burned alive. It is believed that when the flames did not consume her young body, an officer drew his sword and beheaded her.

Her remains were discovered in the catacomb that held her tomb and are still conserved below the high altar in the church of ‘Sant’Agnese fuori le mura’ in Rome that was built over the site.

One cannot deny the fact that we are living in a world where ‘seemingly anything goes.’  This applies in a pronounced manner to the gift of sexuality, a quality that  makes us men and women, a quality gifted to us by God.

From a Children’s Bible look up the Creation of Man (Gen 1, 27-28), giving importance to the statement that God created man in His Image.

Depending on the age of the children explain that our bodies have ‘value, dignity and significance.’ Seek or create opportunities, for small conversations, to help children appreciate this gift of sexuality.

Let us impart the beauty of purity to our children, planting little seeds of this virtue in mind and body, expressed in the way they behave, in what they wear, in their speech, what they watch (literature, social media, movies, internet, perhaps even involving the setting of safety filters and website blockers).

This involves time, effort, awareness and also prudence. As parents and carers , we can ‘rightly nurture the right nature’ to impart a ‘God honouring view of sexuality.’

St Agnes chose to follow Jesus even if it meant losing her life. After going through the life of young Agnes, ask the children for their opinions as to how she must have felt and what it meant to her.

Continue to listen to their opinions as to what it means for us when we choose to follow Jesus:

  • doing what is right
  • difficult decisions we might have to take
  • being pushed to make wrong decisions
  • feelings when we choose to do the right thing
  • who are those who can help us to follow Jesus.

Family Prayer Time: Make the children aware that even today there are Christians who are persecuted for their belief in Jesus. 

Lead the children in prayer for these people who are living in fear, to keep strong in their faith against all odds.

Let us be grateful if in the societies that we happen to live in we can practice our faith freely, we are provided with priests who can help us to continue in following Jesus.

Sing and pray together:  

Follow Jesus Song u I have decided to follow Jesus .

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God speaks to us in many ways, including through the Saints of the Church. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand the holy life, helping you to connect the saints to daily life in a meaningful way.