
Fruit of the Holy Spirit


Self-control means that I can choose to control my actions, my words and my thoughts. I manage to say no, to things which are not right. 

How can parents encourage this fruit in their children?

  • Children often want their own way and may even throw tantrums. If parents give in, the child is not being taught self-control.
  • Adults and children alike struggle with self-control. Try to control your temper, show the children that it is not easy. 
  • Train the children by asking them not to interrupt when you are on the phone or speaking to someone, to pay attention in church, to wait until dinner time to eat, to wait for their turn during games.


Holy Spirit, help me to control my words and actions. When losing my self-control, help me to stop, to think and to pray, so that I may overcome the desire to give in to temptation. Amen.


Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto

Francisco, Jacinta, and their cousin, Lucia were ordinary children, but Our Lady appeared to them and encouraged them to make sacrifices to help sinners and save them from hell. They often gave up their lunches, refused to drink in the heat of the day, and wore knotted ropes around their waists. 

These saints teach us that although it is hard to make the right choices, like not cheating during a test or not answering back, Jesus helps us to control our actions and words.

Living it!

  • During this week practice self-control and set time on how long you will play or watch television.  Observe the goals you have set for own benefit.
  • When your parents ask you to do something, do it at once and do not keep postponing.
  • Read the story of Joseph (book of Genesis). His brothers sold him as a slave. When he had the chance to get back at them, he practised self-control and showed love instead. He could do this because he trusted in God and allowed God to guide him.

Read more about Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto.