The Gospel today involves a parable about a wedding feast and Jesus teaches us about humility and love, qualities which should define our Christian lives.
Imagine that you are invited to a wedding reception, the wedding hall is full of nicely decorated tables and chairs. Your first thought is ‘where am I going to sit?’ It is unlikely that your place is on the top table (unless you are immediate family) so probably you would choose a table furthest away and wait for someone to call you to another table. Today Jesus is not teaching about etiquette but is teaching about how important humility is in our Christian lives, and how we can find true happiness at the heavenly banquet.
Jesus uses a wedding banquet to explain what he observed when invited for a meal at the house of one of the leading Pharisees where he noticed they were choosing the best places at the table. He warns guests to wait before taking their places at the table just in case they will be asked to move if someone more important arrives (it would be very embarrassing). He gives advice on how to find your true place in the Kingdom of God. Jesus advises hosts not to invite people who would most certainly repay the dinner invitation. Instead invite the people who cannot repay you. The poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind because this is where real blessings will be found as we will be rewarded in heaven. Jesus is telling us that genuine humility leads to a deeper love of God and respect for each other, it is what the Church calls “the preferential option” for the poor. Christians are called to care for the poor because God cares for the poor. The Gospel asks us to think especially of the marginalised in our society, asylum seekers, refugees, prisoners, do I look down on them? Do I consider myself as being better than them? Jesus tells us that we are all equal in God’s Kingdom, and in seeking to be humbled we will enjoy being exalted. Lord, teach me to be humble in everything I do and not to be discriminatory towards others less fortunate than myself.