The Beatitudes – wisdom

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer for God's wisdom

It isn’t easy to always think of kind, positive thoughts about other people. There are some people that we find it hard to think good things about them; that is why we need wisdom.  Who is that person for you? It may be someone at home, someone in your family, or someone at school. 

  • Think about that person and try to think of three good things about him/her.
  • Write those three things on a heart shape template and put it in the dish.  Make sure you do not write any names.
  • Do you feel differently about that person now that you have thought about the good things about him/her? 
  • Take one of the small confetti which is scattered around the dish and speak with God to help you think good things about others.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.