24 March
St. Oscar Romero gave his life for Faith and Social Justice. He has been described as ‘God’s Microphone’.
READ MORE19th March
Saint Joseph is the person God sent to protect Our Lady Mary and baby Jesus.
READ MORE18th March
St. Cyril continues to be remembered for his instructions to those people who were preparing to be received as Christians after their Baptism.
READ MORE17th March
Saint Patrick had fulfilled God’s plan for him and he is the patron Saint of Ireland.
READ MORE7th March
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity give us an example of finding true friendship in difficult times in our lives.
St. John Joseph of the Cross known for his humility, penance and mortification, deep prayer and meditation.
READ MORE25th February
Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani remained true towards her beliefs and the virtue of humility.
READ MORE23 February
Polycarp was facing martyrdom, when he kept on insisting: “I am a Christian” that is “ I am a follower of Christ”.
READ MORE21 February
Saint Peter Damian, a saint whose life was one of prayer and penance.
READ MORE20th February
Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto succeeded to achieve heroic virtues in their simple life by a young age.