25th February
Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani remained true towards her beliefs and the virtue of humility.
READ MORE21 February
Saint Peter Damian, a saint whose life was one of prayer and penance.
READ MORE28th January
St Thomas Aquinas is known as the patron saint of universities and scholars.
READ MORE14 December
St. John of the Cross continues to be remembered for his holiness and profound spirituality.
READ MORE17 November
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary chose to live a life of simplicity.
READ MORE2nd October
God assigns a Guardian Angel to each person to guide us and to keep us close to Him.
St. Mary Magdalene provides a declaration that women also have a significant role to fulfill in the Church.
Saint Dominic Savio was a young saint, who studied to become a priest but got sick at a very young age.
READ MORE23 February
Polycarp was facing martyrdom, when he kept on insisting: “I am a Christian” that is “ I am a follower of Christ”.