Cup of tea

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer for all the family

Hi Kids! How are you?

In the year 1994, the United Nations started to celebrate the international day of the diversity of families on the 15th of May. During this day we are asked to think of our family members, of those who live with us. Let us remember nice experiences we lived together ex. a picnic, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, a pleasant walk, a holiday….surely we passed through a similar experience. Today’s Prayer Space is called: Cup of Tea

One needs:

  • a cup and saucer, and teapot template or a plain paper
  • colours
  • markers
  • glue
  • cardboard paper (optional)

Scissor a model of the cup and saucer for each member of the family. On each cup write the name of each family member/persons you live with or if you would like to draw the cup, saucer, and teapot freehand on the plain paper. If would like to, you can colour the cups. While doing this, think of the members of your family/those you live with. Afterwards, you can glue the cups and saucers and the teapot on the cardboard/paper and write: “Thank you God for my family.” Show what you’ve done to your family members and hang it in a prominent place where anyone can come across it.

Bye-bye kids! Till we again!

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.