Fishers of people

Prayer Spaces at Home and A prayer for vocations

Hi kids!

Have you ever thought:  ‘What are Jesus disciples meant to be like?’

Jesus shows us that anyone can follow him and be his disciple.  One does not require any spectacular gifts or qualifications. All we need is to make ourselves available to follow Jesus wherever he leads us and be willing to change our values until they measure up to his.  

A Christian is a person who has a personal and close relationship with Jesus.  The invitation to Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him and become fishers of people is an invitation to us too.  Jesus invites us to follow him, be with him, get to know him, enjoy his friendship and to share his mission in teaching, healing and serving.  We are so privileged to have Jesus inviting us to be with him so that together like him we will lead others closer to God Our Father.  This is what Jesus meant when he told the apostles, “Come, follow me and I will send you out to fish for people.”  Mk 1:17 

The prayer space we are going to do today (and with those who share our same household) is called: Fishers of People and to do it we need:-

  • A sealable plastic bag
    ♺ it would be ideal to reuse a used plastic bag out of respect towards the environment.
  • Fish-men templates
  • Black Marker

Take some time to think about this invitation to lead others closer to God and how you can do this in your everyday life.

Now while you imagine yourself preparing the net, using the black marker draw the net on the plastic bag.

Think of a few people whom you can lead closer to God. For each person you thought of, place a fish-men template in the plastic bag and seal it.

Conclude this praying time by asking God to help you in leading these people you thought of, to get to know Him more.

Bye Bye Friends till we meet again.

♺ – A gentle reminder to make use of a reused plastic bag.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.