Keep others safe

Prayer Spaces at Home and a Prayer for the vulnerable

Hi kids!

Tissues are fragile. They tear easily. Think about someone you know, or groups of people, for example, those who are sick, elderly or homeless who may feel ‘fragile’ or vulnerable because of old age or because they have a medical condition. These people are more likely to become sick because their immune system is weaker than that of other people. It is important to be sensitive to their needs and to protect those who need more care.

  • Take a tissue paper and on it write or draw a picture of hope or write a prayer for them.
  • Keep the tissue in your pocket or your bedside table to remind you to keep these people in your thoughts and prayers.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through prayer at home. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand how to pray, helping you to connect with God in your daily life in a meaningful way.