Our Advocate


The Easter season concludes with today’s celebration, the feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost we celebrate the Holy Spirit descending on the Apostles who were gathered together in the upper room in Jerusalem, it is the beginning of the Church. It is the fulfilment of Christ’s promise to send us the Holy Spirit and happens 50 days after His resurrection.

The coming of the Holy Spirit on that day is very significant as Pentecost was an important day for the Jewish people occurring 50 days after the feast of Passover a statutory celebration mentioned in the Old Testament. The coming of the Holy Spirit on that day gives it new meaning and it becomes a feast of the New Testament and the birth of the Church. The Apostles are empowered as the new people of God to carry on Jesus’ mission. The Spirit of truth is a teacher, a counsellor, an advocate, a courage-filler, a healer and the giver of every good gift. In the Acts of the Apostles (today’s first reading) we read that the Spirit comes as tongues of fire to rest on the Apostles who are transformed by His power. Suddenly they are able to speak different languages and are filled with joy and courage. 

Today’s Gospel from John’s Gospel is part of his discourse at the Last Supper. Jesus asks for a commitment from his disciples and us “if you love me, then do as I have taught you,” and he promises to ask the Father to send them a helper. Jesus’ praying heart is revealed to us as is his relationship with the Father. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit (Advocate) will come to teach and remind them of his teachings.

 There is no need to reconcile these two accounts to each other but understand that Jesus fulfilled his promise to send his disciples (and us) a helper, an advocate who would empower them to be his witnesses throughout the world. The Spirit will teach them new things, lead them into the mystery of Jesus even deeper and help them understand new challenges which lie ahead. The same can be said for ourselves. As Christians we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at Baptism and Confirmation, our faith is a life long journey where we discover the existence of God in the realities of our everyday lives. It is an intimate relationship strengthened through prayer and reflection. Life in the Spirit can be transforming. Do you long for a glimpse of Jesus’ glory? Do you thirst for a greater outpouring of the Spirit for you and your family? For the Church and for the world? If your answer is “yes” then it is proof that the Holy Spirit is at work in your life.

The Church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost every year. We can receive this gift in ever new and exciting ways if we recognise and allow the Spirit to work within us, do not be afraid to pray “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful!”

A reading from the Gospel of John (Jn 14: 15-16, 23b-26)

Jesus said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always. “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. Those who do not love me do not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me. “I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.”

The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

  1. Read the Gospel story so that you are familiar with it.
  2. Reflect on what the Gospel story is saying to you. Which points would you highlight and why? 
  3. The Spirit was the life of Jesus and it has been passed onto us as Baptised Christians, in this way remind your family members that Jesus’ life now lives in us and with it we are better able to resist temptation.
  4. Our family is the Domestic Church (the smallest body of gathered believers in Christ), we learn to forgive and to accept forgiveness in our daily lives. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit which helps us to do both. Pray together as a family a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking that the Holy Spirit will help your family. 
  5. Together with your family find the right time to read this Gospel. The environment helps, so before you start, prepare;
    i. The Bible reading from St John (14: 15-16, 23b-26)
    ii. A white candle
    iii. Cover the table with a red cloth
    iv. A computer/laptop with the readings and clips
  6. Go through the steps with your children (2 age groups are being suggested).
  7. Feel free to adapt to your situation
  8. Be creative 😊 

Today is a special feast in the Church year it’s called the feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us by the Father to help us and to teach us.

  • Jesus promised his disciples at the Last Supper that he would ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit who would help them after he was gone. 
  • Plain crackers either round or square
  • Sliced white cheese such as cheddar
  • Sliced orange cheese such as red Leicester
  • Sweet red pepper(bell pepper)

Can you think of something which works with a battery? Maybe you have a remote controlled car or some other toy which only moves if it has a battery in it. The remote control of the television will only switch on the television if it has a fully charged battery inside. The batteries are a power source. Without batteries, they cannot do what they are supposed to do.

Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit is our power source, the Holy Spirit helps us to be followers of Jesus.

At the Last Supper Jesus told his disciples that they would be able to do great things after he was gone, just like Jesus himself had done. Jesus did many wonderful things, can you think of any? He cured the sick, he helped the blind to see, he calmed a storm and he changed water into wine these are called miracles. How were the disciples going to do great things like Jesus? Well Jesus promised them that he would ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit would give them the power to do great things.

The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost, they were together in a room when a sound like the rushing wind filled the place and then flames of fire rested upon each of them. The disciples were filled with power and began to preach and teach about Jesus. They were able to do things which they could not do before because they had the power of the Holy Spirit in them. We too have been given this special power at our Baptism. We who are children of God have the power to do great things, not on our own but with the gifts, which the Holy Spirit gives us. Wow! Do you think this is a special gift? Yes it is, and

Jesus wants us to use this special gift to heal the world and to make it a better place.  

A fun way to celebrate the feast of Pentecost would be to make some “Holy Spirit Crackers” and give them to your family and friends.

Using the white cheese cut a large flame shape and place it on the cracker. Next cut a smaller flame shape from the orange cheese and place it on top to look like tongues of fire. Cut out a small sliver of red pepper to place in the centre you can also use a cherry tomato. Ask an adult to help you. Now you can give out the snacks or eat them yourself! 

Do this activity whilst listening to this song; Peace like a river.

Come, Holy Spirit, and fill our hearts with the power of your love, just as the disciples were on the day of Pentecost. Amen.

Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Church. Jesus tells the disciples that if they love him then they will keep his commandments and that after he has left them, he will send the Holy Spirit to protect and guide them.

  • Jesus tells the disciples to do as he has asked them, and that God will send the Holy Spirit to be with them forever and to help them.
  • On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were afraid, gathered together in a room, suddenly the Holy Spirit descends on them. Their fear turned to joy.
  • Cake mix (store bought, strawberry or red velvet)
  • White frosted icing
  • Red/yellow or orange sprinkles
  • Red and yellow food colouring
  • Muffin bake tin and cupcake liners/piping bag
  • Birthday cake candles

The first reading today is from the Acts of the Apostles, it presents the story of the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples who are gathered in a room in Jerusalem. It is the feast of Pentecost, and we celebrate the sending of the Spirit on the Church, that’s why it is known as the birthday of the Church. 

The disciples are together when there is a rush of wind and a noise fills the house and tongues of fire appear and rest on each disciple. They experience a change inside themselves as they are filled with the Holy Spirit, they are no longer afraid and are able to speak foreign languages. The Spirit gives them the gift of speaking different languages, so they are able to tell many different people the Good News about Jesus Christ. 

Today’s Gospel is part of the conversation Jesus has with the disciples during the Last Supper. He is trying to prepare them to live without his physical presence. Jesus tells them that if they love him, they will do as he has asked them.  What has Jesus asked them to do?

He has asked them to love one another as he has loved them. He also says that God will send the Holy Spirit to be with them forever and to help them. The Holy Spirit will teach the disciples everything they need to know once Jesus has left and will remind them of what Jesus said and did whilst he was with them.

Jesus also says that if we love him, his Father will love us and live with us in our hearts. Remember, God is always there and the Holy Spirit is always guiding us to what is right. We should always be ready to welcome Jesus into our lives.  

Today in celebration of the Church’s birthday maybe you would like to bake some ‘Pentecost cupcakes,’ it’s a good way to celebrate Pentecost at home with your family.

After collecting all the items mentioned earlier, bake the cupcakes according to the instructions on the box and allow them to cool.

The fun part is now decorating them! Using the food colouring colour half of the frosted icing yellow and half red (in 2 separate bowls).

Use the icing to decorate the cupcakes, some yellow, some red or even mix to make orange, get someone to help you use a piping bag. Decorate with the sprinkles and put one small birthday candle in the centre of each cupcake.

Feel free to be creative with your decoration there is no wrong or right way! The colours red, yellow and orange will remind us of the tongues of fire which came down on the disciples at Pentecost. Have fun and you can give them to family and friends.    

Listen to this song; Spirit of God.

Sign of the cross.

Ever-loving God, send us your Spirit, give us your courage, so that we may follow you and love you all the days of our lives. Help us to share this love with those around us. Amen.

Coming soon.

How to use this space

God speaks to us in many ways, including through the Sunday Scripture readings. Here you will find useful background and activities to better understand the upcoming Sunday's Scripture readings, helping you to connect the Scripture to daily life in a meaningful way.