Who is Our Lady?

Who is Mary?

Spending time with Our Lady during summer

The aim of this journey is:

· To grow spiritually as a family

· To learn more about Our Lady, Mother of God and our mother

· Our Lady can become a model for how to live our lives

· Learn more about parishes in Malta

· Learn Marian prayers (prayers to Our Lady)

These resources can be used during the summer months by the family or family groups. It can also be used by catechists who want to organise meetings for children during summer.

In the Bible we do not have many stories about Mary, the mother of Jesus; but we do have enough information to have a clear picture of who she was and more importantly to learn of who Mary is for us.

Mary was a Jewish girl who lived in Nazareth. The Church names her parents Anne and Joachim. Since God chose Mary to be the mother of his son, for sure, her parents too, were holy people. From when she was young, they taught her about God and about his love. Through example, they taught her that the best choice was the one when we do God’s will.

Nazareth was a small town and like the rest of Israel it was under Roman Rule. The Jewish people were not happy that the Romans were governing their country because they were not treated well. The Jewish people were looking forward to the coming of the Messiah to free them from the Romans.

Mary had a great faith in God. She believed that God always wants what is good. Mary believed that God is just and merciful. Mary entrusted herself in the hands of God when she said, “Be it done on to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38). Mary’s ‘Yes’ to God remained steadfast to the end.

Together with Joseph, they raised Jesus, as a Jewish boy, with faith and trust in God, who is love