X’inhuma l-Għaxar Kmandamenti?

Programmi kateketiċi (33)

33 – What are the Ten Commandments?

Learn how and why God gave us these commandments to live and serve Him by, and the blessings they bring upon every life as we obey them.

33 –  The Two Great Commandments

Besides believing what God has revealed, what else must we do to be saved? If you love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)

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33 –  The Two Great Commandments

Besides believing what God has revealed, what else must we do to be saved? If you love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)

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21 – Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and concludes on Holy Saturday.

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Kif tuża din il-paġna

Alla jkellimna b'ħafna modi, inkluż permezz ta' talb tradizzjonali imma wkoll permezz ta' mezzi moderni. Hawnhekk tista' ssib tagħrif u attivitajiet li jħeġġuk biex titgħallem aktar dwar aspetti differenti tal-Fidi.