
Fruit of the Holy Spirit


Love is when I manage to give preference to God and others over my own interests, in everything that I do and say.

How can parents encourage this fruit in their children?

  • Liking or loving is different. Yet sometimes, children mix them up. To help children (and adults!) distinguish between liking or loving, read to the children Biblical stories that teach us the value of true friendship and love, such as the stories recounting the friendship of David and Jonathan, the parable of the Good Samaritan, and the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus.
  • Show the children love. Let the children see you serve others.  Above all, let them feel loved through your actions and words.


Holy Spirit, help me be patient and kind with all whom I meet. Please help me not to be jealous and proud and let me love God and my neighbours daily more and more. Amen.


Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu an unknown girl from Skopje Macedonia, became the world-renowned Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She described herself as “a pencil in God’s Hands to write His love letter to the world.”

Mother Teresa lived a life of love and service, helping the poorest of the poor, in Calcutta. She saw Jesus in all those that she met and helped. 

Living it!

  • Before you go to sleep, hug mummy and daddy and your brothers and sisters and tell them that you love them.
  • Think about how you can show love to your family. Do this thing you have thought about and surprise them!
  • When you pass by a crucifix or a church, tell Jesus that you love him. 
  • Learn to say Mother Teresa’s prayer

Read more about Mother Teresa of Calcutta.