X’inhu l-Kalendarju Liturġiku?

Programmi kateketiċi (19)

19 – X’inhu l-Kalendarju Liturġiku?

Unfolding the events of Christ’s life and experiencing God’s presence through the Liturgical Year of feasts and holy days is one of the great gifts of the Church. This episode sheds light on why.

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19- The Liturgical Year

19- The Liturgical Year

Kif tuża din il-paġna

Alla jkellimna b'ħafna modi, inkluż permezz ta' talb tradizzjonali imma wkoll permezz ta' mezzi moderni. Hawnhekk tista' ssib tagħrif u attivitajiet li jħeġġuk biex titgħallem aktar dwar aspetti differenti tal-Fidi.