X’inhu r-Randan?

Programmi kateketiċi (20)

20 – What is Lent?

We observe it every year, but how many people really know what it is and how to prepare for it? This visual explanation will equip families to experience one of the most beautiful seasons of faith that draws us to a greater understanding of God’s great love for humanity.

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20- What is Lent?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 06.png

19- What is Lent?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 06.png

Kif tuża din il-paġna

Alla jkellimna b'ħafna modi, inkluż permezz ta' talb tradizzjonali imma wkoll permezz ta' mezzi moderni. Hawnhekk tista' ssib tagħrif u attivitajiet li jħeġġuk biex titgħallem aktar dwar aspetti differenti tal-Fidi.